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Notational Approaches for Laptop Ensembles

Scott Hewitt

Huddersfield University



Traditional Western Notation

Args 1

A Missing Common Notation

Desirable Notational Features

Graphic Notation

Video Notation

Graph Scores

Code Notation

Code as Score

1, 300 10;
2, 700 50000;
3, 600 20000;
4, 500 50000; 1300 10000; 600 50000; 874 20000;
8, 1164 60000;
9, 700 60000;
10, 647 20000; 548 120000; 1250 120000; 1139 8000; 679 8000; 700 50000;
16, stop;

Code as Instrument

A support nightmare


Text Notation

InCode Prime

* render-able

Human Shredders

A Secret...


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